Knights of Columbus
St. Ambrose Council 12576
Date – December 4, 2024.
Grand Knight Steve Deporter) called the meeting to order at 6:30 at St. Ambrose.
The meeting started with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Previous meeting minutes (Boyd) –approved by Larry and Jerry.
Treasurers’ report (Pete) – $24,696.09– Busy month. RSVP program reimbursement. approved by Jerry and Tom.
Financial Secretary’s report (Brent) – 89 members, 2 new members and 64 associates. Honorary Life Members – Denny and John. Approved by Pete and Dan.
Meeting discussion items –
- Preston reported St. Joseph’s Meal Site went well. 42 fed. Jim provided the food. Bob, Jay and Brent helped.
- A 25-year anniversary party for St. Ambrose K of C is scheduled for Jan. 18 at the Parish Center after the 5:00 mass at 6:30. $25 per person and $50 for a couple. Send the money to Jerry. Help celebrate 25 years of K of C!!!
- Beef Raffle winners were happy with the prizes.
- Motion to donate $500 to MDA by Craig, 2nd by Jerry.
- Pancake Breakfast for the Guard SFRG is Saturday, February 1, 7:00-9:00. Early crews report at 5:30. Sign-up sheet available.
- Jerry – Dues for 4th degree are due.
- Larry reported that Kent and Bill are new members. Angel is a prospective member.
- Brent – reported that Bethany Homes were very happy that they got the Coats for Kids.
- Bob P. discussed how there will be duplicate Veteran Boards at both parishes.
- February will be the next month for inductions of new knights.
- Motion to spend $1000 for $50 dollar gift cards from Hy-Vee to be used for people in need at Christmas time. Approved by Dan and Preston.
- Father mentioned a Christmas eve mass. On the 19th there will be a celebration / presentation by a guest priest.
- Motion to adjourn the meeting by Tom and Bob.
- Closing prayer by Father Gary
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
***** Next K of C meeting at St. Ambrose on January. 8 at 6:30.
Recorder – Boyd Harrison