Knights of Columbus # 12576
August 8, 2020
Meeting Notes
September 16, 2020
Before the meeting was called to order twenty (20) Knights enjoyed a spaghetti meal along with friendly conversation.
G/K DePorter call the meeting to order AT 6.00 pm.
G/K DePorter led the opening pledge and pledge.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and a motion to accept by John and a second by Bud, minutes were approved.
Treasurer report from Paul stated that all bills are up to date and there is nothing coming in and everything going out!! Motion to accept the report by John and second by Preston, motion carried
F/S report from Brent has the membership at 99 with 67 associate and 30 insurance. The council had two transfers. We need one more insurance member for star council. There were no bills to report. A motion by George and a second by Paul to accept the application from Mike Goben to join our council. Motion to accept F/S report by John and second by Preston, report was approved.
Introductions were made for Mike Huggins, Bill Watkins and Father Joe Baker. We welcome them to the council.
District Deputy Dave Yordy, stated the 4th Degree Exemplification this November is moving toward a virtual presentation. The cost of the $70.00 probably will be reduced with a question of the meal? Dave also talked about the Leave No Neighbor Behind Program. The 5 Point System was discussed and explained how they are earned.
The Scholarship $100.00 per student was discussed and Father Baker made the suggestion to send out letters to the families of the 32 students involved. This will help clarify the statist of the 32 students involved who show they are active or not. Larry will follow up with Sheila and send the letters out.
The kitchen report will be reported on at the next meeting after their meeting after Labor Day.
Dick talked about the Tootsie Roll Drive. This year event will be on September 18th and 19th. The location were discussed with the issue of Masks and Gloves? The signup sheet was passed around. Paul will check with the township to see if they will need any for the Trunk and Treat if it is going to be held.
The Columbus Day mass will be held on October 11th at the 8.00 Mass. Bernie will be sending letters to the families of our deceased members. Bob said that those names will be read at the Mass. John mentioned that $10.00 will be given for a mass intention at a future date.
G/K Deporter discussed getting a group together for assisting parishioners. More to be discussed on that issue.
The Food Panty Bags cannot be used for the collection.
The Council Add in the bulletin is up for renew and a motion by Denny and second by Larry to approve payment. Motion carried.
CCD Students will be meeting in person with social distancing and a motion to approve $100.00 for Food (pizza) was made by Jay and second by George, motion carried.
Betty Weigsheild is heading up a PRO-LIFE Group from St Ambrose and St Pats and is asking for the Knights support in this endeavor.
Father Joe is looking for a few more to help at serve at funerals and other occasions when needed.
After discussion the motion by Larry and second from Steve to move the meeting time to 6.30 pm. Motion carried.
Bernie won the cap raffle.
Father Joe led the closing prayer.
Motion to adjourn at 7.30 by Steve and second by John. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda
Council Recorder