St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus regular meeting 6-20-2018

G/K Dan called the meeting to order at 7.05

G/K Dan led the opening Prayer and the Pledge

Minutes of the previous meeting were presented and a motion by Jerry and a second by John motion carried.

Treasurer report by Paul stated that the golf outing hills as well as all other bills were paid. Motion by Bob and a second by Jay motion carried.

F/S Brent reported we have 92 members. Per Capita is paid. The SP-7 is on time and ready to be submitted and all the items are complete and updated. The retention committee recommendations is almost complete.

Hole Sponsor for Jim’s Outing was motioned by Larry and a second by John motion approved.

Women’s Choice Clinic was discussed.

Father’s Day dollar benefit is Saturday and Sunday.

The Guy Randazzo Memorial Golf Outing keeps getting bigger and this year was a huge success.

Spray Ground event at Dicksen park is July 29thand will be posted at both Parishes.

The Baseball Game was discussed for a suite on Tuesday or Wednesday or a Friday with fireworks display. Both Parishes will be invited.

Fans for Project Now will be ordered and delivered. Motion by John and a second by Dennis motion approved.

The Dilulio Donation to assist Seminarians was discussed and a selection will be hopefully be next month.

Flags and Crucifix’s for all the class rooms was discussed and a motion by Preston and a second by Jay to move forward for prices.

The Summer Fest will need volunteers for setting up on Thursday and the cooking duties at 11.00 and bingo duties at 1.30.

The Officers for the Council will be sworn at the next meeting July 18th and the start time will begin at 6.00 in the Church and move to Happy Joes for food and Cocktails after swearing in is over.

Grand Knight Dan Deporter
Deputy Grand Knight Preston Zawada
Treasurer Paul Putnam
Financial Secretary Brent Highfill
Chancellor John Laughlin
Recorder Moose Maranda
Advocate Jerry Fowler
Inside Guard Jay Finn
Outside Guard Bert Catlin
Warden Dick Meyer

1 year Bernie Happ
2 year Larry Randazzo
3 year Dennis VanDaile

Motion to adjourn at 8.00 by John and a second by Jerry motion approved

Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda