Knights of Columbus #12576
June 2, 2021
Meeting Notes

G/K DePorter called the meeting to order at 6.30 pm.

G/K DePorter led the opening prayer and Dick Meyer led the pledge

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and a motion to approve by Dick and a second by Larry motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Paul with no outstanding bills. Motion to approve by Bob P and a second by Dick motion carried.

F/S report was presented by Brent with everything was up to date. The paper work for the Columbian Award is due by June 30th. There was some discussion about the insurance presentation and G/K DePorter was going to get a hold of our agent. Motion to approve by Jeff and a second by Randy motion carried.

Degree information was reported by Moose that there will be no 4th Degree Exemplification on Saturday the 6th. The Major Degree that was held elevated 3 new members and 3 first degree members to 3rd degree Knights.

Larry reported on the kitchen progress. Window is installed and cabinets as well as the flooring are coming. The hood over the stove was a major concern but was resolved at their meeting.

Jeff reported on the signs in the Orion area that are in place and are beautiful. Working on recognition for Council #12576 for the cost of $300.00 for the signs. Thanks to Jeff for his work on this project to promote the Knights.          `

Larry reported on the Golf Outing. The items that are being raffled are amazing. Larry asked Father Baker if the Knights could speak and sell the raffle tickets after masses at both parishes.

G/K DePorter opened the floor for nominations for next year’s officers. G/K DePorter made three calls and nominations were closed.

Denny entertained a motion to accept the slate of officers that was presented by Acclamation and a second by Dick motion carried.

The slate of officers will be sworn in on our next meeting July 7, 2021at 6.30 pm in the Church. There will be dinner to follow with spouses or significant others (to be announced).

Father Baker led the closing prayer.

Motion to adjourn by Larry and a second by Randy motion carried.



Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda
Council Recorder.