Knights of Columbus # 12576
May 17, 2017
Meeting Notes

Grand Knight Randazzo called the meeting to order at 7.00 pm. and led us in our opening prayer and the pledge.

Knights Appreciation had a very poor turn out with 9 knights and 4 spouses. For a better attendance we will take a different look at it next year.

Mothers Day Carnations was well received as brother Knights handed them out at all Masses.

Fathers Day item was discussed for what we can give to the fathers and will have further discussion.

G/Knight Randazzo made a presentation for Knight of the Year Award to Jim Prochaska for his hard work and dedication to the Council and Parish.

Financial Secretary Brent Highfill reported on the 89 members and went through the yearly events that were put on by the Knights to benefit the council.

Treasurer Paul Putnam reported on the bills that was all paid and updated the balance we have available.


The Candidates for the year 2017 and 2018:

Grand Knight – Dan DePorter                             Trustee 1 year Jerry Fowler

Deputy G/K – Tom Kettering                               Trustee 2 year Preston Zawada

Treasurer – Paul Putnam                                   Trustee 3 year Larry Randazzo

Financial Secretary – Brent Highfill

Chancellor – John Laughlin

Recorder – Moose Maranda

Advocate – Bob Bigford

Inside Guard – Jay Finn

Outside Guard – Bert

Warden – Dick Meyer


This slate of officers will be sworn in next meeting June 21St at the Parish Center to take over their duties the 1st of July. There will be the after party held at Jim’s.

The Guy Randazzo Memorial Golf outing will be on June 10th with shotgun start at 1.00 pm. A few more non-golfers are needed to help around the course.

Parish Picnic was discussed with explaining the tent, car parking, and shuttle from the bottom of the hill, and pot-a-potties. Everything will fall in place and it will be a great time with St. Pat’s Parish joining us. Pray for good weather.

River Bandits game is going to be June 23rd. Call John Laughlin (373-7387) for tickets. Ticket price is $10.00 per person. Great seats!

Annual Spray Park at Dickson Park is scheduled for August 20th and Brent will have more information and details coming.

Fund raiser ideas were discussed and will be forth coming as they unfold.

G/Knight Randazzo led the closing prayer.

Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda