St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus regular meeting 10-19-2017
G/K DePorter called the meeting to order at 7.00 pm.
G/K DePorter led the opening prayer and the pledge.
Minutes was approved as presented. Motion by Bert and second by Jay motion passed.
Paul presented the treasurers report and motion to approve by John and a second by Dick motion passed.
F/S Brent reported on the membership with 57 members and 31 insurance for a total of 88. All the councils requirements have been met and still working on the insurance issue. Read the correspondence thanking the council for the donations to the disaster relief fund for the hurricane victims.
G/K DePorter reported on the calendar of events that will be coming out soon. There was discussion on making sure that we appoint a Chairman for the upcoming events so there is a point of contact that workers can get answers when needed. There was also a request to keep trying to make sure that everyone has their correct information. (e-mail and phone numbers)
We discussed having someone that could be a P/R liaison for getting our communication to the outlets that events can be shared with everyone in the community. (The Post and the Bulletin etc:)
Received thanks for the Knights that was able to help with the rummage sale. The closing prayer that Jane Hartman gave was a special moment.
The preparations for the afternoon dinner on December 10th for the Bishop and guest Priest whom are invited by Father Charles will be checked out with Jim to see if he can do the catering. Preston will go over to talk to Jim.
We are looking for Knights to man the table on December 1st at the open house to answer any questions for those who may stop by.
The extra Tootsie Rolls have been sold. Larry reported that the forms for the drive have been turned in and taken care of.
New Business:
Discussion on how to deliver the Knights message to St Pat’s to start recruiting new members from their parish.
The meal site event was discussed and will get the date from Neva Cook when it is our turn to sponsor.
Received correspondence from the MDA Drive and Jerry motioned for a donation and was second by Larry motion passed.
Information for a trivia night will be coming at next months meeting Larry and Chris will be Chairing this event.
Coats for Kids will be checked into and some will be purchased like previous years.
The Milan Santa Fund was discussed and a motion by John for a donation and second by Preston motion approved.
Our spot on the back of the bulletin is up for renewed and a motion by Larry and a second by Preston motion passed.
Jerry led the closing prayer
Motion to adjourn by John and second by Preston motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8.15 pm., Respectfully Submitted, Moose Maranda,Recorder