Knights of Columbus
October 21, 2020
Meeting Notes
G/K DePorter called the meeting to order at 6:30.
G/K DePorter led the opening prayer and pledge.
Previous meeting minutes were approved as presented. Motion by Bud and a second by George, motion carried.
Treasurer report balances were presented by Paul. There will be 18 families that will receive scholarship money at the present time. Further review may have more families eligible. There were 8 at Alleman and 11 at Jordan. Motion by Jerry and a second by Tom, motion carried.
Larry sent letters to those who received scholarship awards and to those who did not qualify.
F/S report by presented Brent. There were no bills to present. With Fr. Joe coming to the Council we have 99 members 68 associate and 31 insurance. Motion to approve by Tom and a second by Steve, motion carried. Brent ask for a couple of members to prepare the Events calendar.
There was discussion about the 1-3 degree steps and when we can put something together??
Bud gave the 4th Degree report on the Exemplification. Those 4th degree members that wish to observe need to call him and get registered. Roll call starts at 9:30 and at 10:00 the event begins and last until noon. There will be some refreshments after the program.
Dick reported that he did not have the total amount from the Tootsie Roll proceeds. They are still being sold after Masses. Will report next month and with the pandemic in full swing the turnout was close to last year?
The Deceased Knights Mass was good but the turn out for the Brunch after was down from last year.
The Kitchen Project was discussed in length. G/K DePorter reported on a conversation he had about it. Larry said that they were going to look for some grants and will again report the progress next month.
A drive through dinner of some sort was discussed as a project to bring some revenue in instead of it all going out!
The slips for the paver bricks are made out and will be turned in next week. Because of the meetings that we did not have for approval we miss the deadline and will make the next order.
There was discussion on the coats for distribution to the needy. John made the motion that the usual 4 boxes of various sizes be ordered. John motioned and a second by Dick, motion carried.
There was discussion on what Jim Prochaska does for the Council. Craig made a motion that a gift be made to the St Jude Foundation is Jim’s honor. Craig motioned and a second by John, motion carried.
Jerry also brought up the fact to remember to patronize Jim’s as he is serving lunches and if you get a little thirsty.
There was a lengthy discussion about the Meal Site on November 23rd. Preston has his work cut out this year with the COVID-19 Pandemic on the rise on how and what is acceptable and safe to serve? He would love to continue the hot meal for the homeless but Neva Cook talked about sandwiches being served. Preston was also going to check and see if there is another month that the Council can serve a meal to the homeless?
Dan won the drawing for the K of C Masks. They will have to be ordered.
G/K led the closing prayer.
A motion to adjourn by Larry and a second by Bob P, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda
Council Recorder