St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus regular meeting 9-20-2017
Recorder Moose called the meeting to order at 7.00 pm.
Moose led the opening prayer with special intentions for Brother Bob Bigford!
Moose led the pledge and then the previous meeting minutes. Motion by John and a second by Bob to approve, motion carried.
Paul presented the treasure report. Motion to approve by Dick and second by Prez motion approved.
F/S Brent gave his report of membership at 88 with 31 insurance. Nothing outstanding and is working with State on the liability insurance. The calendar of events has been forwarded.
Discussion about the Spray Park event that had a low turnout and will be looked at for next year.
Tootsie Roll drive did well and a salute to Dick Meyer for the extra efforts that he always put forth. Funds collected were as well as the previous year. Discussion for the selling of boxes of Tootsie Rolls we have left.
Memorial Mass on October 8 th at 8.00 am Mass.
Lector: Bob Strupp
Eucharistic Ministers: Jerry Fowler, Dick Meyer and Preston Zawada
Servers: Brent Highfelt and Paul Putnam.
Ushers: Dan Deporter and Volunteers
Bernie will have this list of past Knights to be read off at Mass.
John talked about the steak fry out at the LeClaire parish. Their will not be a 4 th Degree Honor Guard at the Columbus Day Mass. There was some discussion about the new wardrobe that is being introduced for the 4 th degree knights.
John also mention that help will be needed to set up and tear down for the upcoming Rummage Sale October 5 th 6 th and 7 th and times will be coming.
Preston talked about a Knights table to be set up at the open house on December 1 st to display and to field questions that some may inquired about what we do.
John motioned to make a donation to the drive for the work at the rectory Bob second and motion passed.
John made a motion to make a donation the Harvey, Irma and Maria Hurricane disaster fund Bob second and motion passed.
There was discussion about the upcoming Bishop’s visit on December 10 th and the dinner that will be provided for the guest priest that Father Charles will be hosting on this afternoon. Volunteers will be needed to prepare and serve food and beverages. The fun part is always the clean up.
Meeting adjourned at 7.50 pm.
Moose led the closing prayer.
Respectfully Submitted, Moose Maranda, Recorder