St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus regular meeting 8-16-2017

G/K DePorter called the meeting to order at 7.00 pm.

G/K DePorter led the opening prayer and the pledge.

Moose read the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion to approve by John and second by Bob motion carried.

Paul read the monthly treasurer report and monthly bill are all paid. Motion to approve by Dick and second by Tom motion carried.

G/K DePorter reported on a donation for a Challis for the young priest from Tanzania that has been filling in while attending St Ambrose College. Motion by Larry and second by Bert motion carried.

F/S Brent reported that we have 88 members with 31 being insurance members. Brent also reported that the audit and officers report has been sent and the events for the year have been looked at. Motion to approve by John and second by Tom motion carried.

Old Business on the spray park was mentioned as well as the Tootsie Roll Drive. Larry reported that they have been ordered and not sure of delivery date? Gary and jay will be calling and Tom reported that all location have been looked at. SPEC and Blackhawk Area Special Ed will be assisting.

Tom, Bert and John will be working on ideas for improving the membership. Face Book as well as a Knights table at the upcoming events.

Chris LaRocuhe was welcomed as one of our new members.

G/K DePorter talked about the upcoming Cursillo.

John’s 4th Degree report mentioned the Labor Day Parade and the steak fry in LeClaire.

Motion to adjourn at 8.10 pm by John and second by Tom motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,Moose Maranda,Recorder