Knights of Columbus

August 21, 2019

Meeting Notes


G/K Deporter called the meeting to order at 7.00.

G/K Deporter led the opening prayer and the pledge.

Previous minutes were read and a motion by John L. and a second by Jerry to approve as read motion passed.

Treasurer report was presented by Paul and everything is paid. Motion to approve by John L. and a second by Jay motion passed.

F/S Brent reported that we have 62 Associate and 32 Insurance members. The Audit has been completed and there was a couple of questions on Supreme. Brent mentioned that we have caps and shirts available. Motion by John L. and a second by Bob motion passed.

G/K Deporter introduced Dave Yordy District Deputy #57. Dave met with the G/K’s from all 5 Councils and set Degrees Meetings. Dave talked about the Faith and Action Training. QC Area Calendar Events are being sent to CatholicQC.Com to eliminate duplication of events.

Larry presented the final report on the golf outing. Things were down a little but a huge success. A big thank you to the Randazzo brothers and volunteers for their continuing work to make the Guy Randazzo Memorial Outing Event a forever tribute to our past leader.

The saga of the food pantry bags has come to completion after three months of great concern and discussion. Dick and Jerry will complete the issues of St Pats and St Ambrose and get them ordered for the Fifth Sunday in September.

Nick Conner will receive our Seminarian donation. Nick is currently in Massachusetts studying. Motion by Dick and a second by John L. motion passed.

Bob P. presented the Veterans Plaque that he has been working on for about a year. A lot of hard work with the research that has been put into this from the early 1900”s.

Dick passed around a signup sheet for the upcoming Tootsie Roll Drive on September 20th and 21st.

Bernie reported that the Columbus Day Mass will be October 6th at the 8.00 Mass. Names of our deceased members will be read and the donation will be made for each member. A donation will also be made for a mass for Rich who left us too soon.

John W. will be chairing the October 19th Taco Event.

A brief discussion on a Priest Appreciation Night that was last Hosted by St Ambrose a few years ago.

We welcomed our newest transfers, George Huggins and Bud Phillis to our Council.

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS ON THE MEETING TIME CHANGE TO 6.00 BEGING IN OCTOBER. Motion by John L. and a second by Dick and others motion passed.

G/K Deporter led the closing prayer.

Motion to adjourn by Jerry and a second by Preston at 8.30 pm.


Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda
Council Recorder