Knights of Columbus #12576
August 4, 2021
Meeting Notes

G/K DePorter call the meeting to order at 6.30 pm.

G/K DePorter led the opening prayer and the pledge

Minutes of the previous meeting were presented and read and a motion by Dick and a second by John motion carried.

Treasurers Report was presented by Paul with a few small outstanding bills and the finial half of the door bill $4343.00 of the cost $8843.00 total. A motion by John and a second by Tom motion carried.

F/S Report by Brent was presented and we have 102 members with 73 associates and 29 insurance. All forms are up to date. A motion to approve by George and a second by Bob motion carried.

Dan introduced Boyd Garrison. There was brief discussion on the Degrees. Moose is going to check with D/D Yordy. All other old business was tabled.

The finial Terri Lynn Candy fund raiser report will be given next month. There was discussion on the proceeds being used for Pro-Life donation. A motion was made to donate $500.00 after checking with Father Baker with the views that was discussed at a previous meeting. A motion by Bob and a second by George motion carried.

Dick announced that the Tootsie Roll Drive will be held on September 10th and 11th this year. Tootsie Rolls have been ordered. Dick passed a signup sheet around and will be calling members. Locations are like previous years, Shell, CVS, B and B, HY-VEE and the Bank/

Bob announced that he and Paul took the Veterans Plaque down to add 13 more veterans name on it.

Dick talked about the 14 foot Divine Mercy sign that is being proposed for the Parish. A location on the property was discussed and has not been determined. It has been talked about at all the Masses. Donations are being accepted for the approximate cost of the $7500.00 project. A motion by Bob and a second by George that Council #12576 donate $500.00 to the project.

G/K DePorter announced that next month’s meeting we will be having a spaghetti dinner prior to the meeting starting at 5.45pm. Those who are planning to attend is requested by Dan to send an email to or a text to (309) 738-9333 to RSVP your attendance for dinner.

A motion for adjournment at 7.40 pm was made by Tom and a second by Dick motion carried.

Tom led the closing prayer.

Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda
Council Recorder