Knights of Columbus
St. Ambrose Council 12576
Date – Dec. 6, 2023

Grand Knight Steve Deporter called the meeting to order at 6:30.

The meeting started with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Previous meeting minutes (By Dan for Boyd) – approved by Preston and George.

Treasurers’ report (Pete) – $32,508.82 – approved by Larry and David

Financial Secretary’s report (Brent) – 26 insured and 63 associates.  Approved by Preston and Chris

Meeting discussion items –

Letter from Taber family thanking K of C for tuition help.

Rick Cervantes discussed Wheelchairs for Vets.  Mentioned wheelchairs are $150.  Rick discussed the Columbian Award and the Knight of the Month Award.

Dick reported on Tootsie roll sales. $3800 to go to helping Black Hawk Sp. Ed.

Donuts and coffee at Ambrose on Dec. 31 are being handled by Larry and Brent.

Jay – Nut and Candy sales raised approx. $300.

K of C will help prepare breakfast on Feb 3 at the Armory for the 123rd Field Artillery (250 troops and family members).

Congratulations to Tom. V. for the beef raffle.  K of C raised at least $2500.  Suggestion to start raffle earlier.

Several members suggested that we need to help poorer families in need in our Parishes.  Suggestion to set up a $1000 X-Mas fund.

A K of C membership drive was discussed.

Larry and George made a motion to give Father Gary $200 for X-Mas.

Preston reported that 35 people were fed at various meal sites.

Tom DePorter suggested that we develop a way to identify new people at our parishes and welcome them.

Steve and Larry are working on setting up an event schedule for next year.

Dan is going to put together a list of charities that the K of C donate to regularly.  A partial list from our meeting is included at the end of the meeting minutes.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by George and Jay.

Closing prayer.

Recorder – Boyd Harrison


Black Hawk Sp. Ed.

Jordan and Alleman’s tuition

Preg. Resources


Rachel’s Vineyard


Coats for Kids

Right to Life

St. Jude’s

Women’s Choice Center