G/K Deporter called the meeting to order at 7.00.
Father Charles led the opening prayer
G/K Deporter led the pledge and welcomed everyone
Recorder Maranda reported that the meeting in November was cancelled due to a conflict with the mission and no regular meeting is held in December. No previous minutes were read.
Treasurer Report: Paul made his report and a motion to accept was made by Dick and second by Preston. Motion passed.
F/S Brent reported on membership and that checks in the amount of a $1,000.00 will be presented to SPEC and Blackhawk Special Ed from the Tootsie Roll Drive. Membership Committee: there was discussion about a visit and presentation to men at St. Pat’s. Committee Reports: Chile and Bread event January 26th will begin at 1.00 pm for the judging and setup of the hall will follow. Chili will be served from 3.30 until we run out. The Guy Randazzo Memorial Golf Outing will be played on June 8th. Get your team ready and the price will be the same as last year. A valentines Event was discussed and do to a few weeks to plan the idea was tabled until this fall and will be reconsidered. Jay Finn will be our PR Committee Chair, please offer Jay any assistance. Donuts and Coffee Event: Tom Deporter and Jay Finn had a fabulous turn out at this first in a long time gathering event for our parishioners. The donut count went from 4 dozen at meeting time to 5 dozen when Father ask Tom how many donuts were available. On a personal note, I was in attendance and the gathering room was packed and Hats off to Tom and Jay!!! Old Business: The March Meeting will be held in the hall or in the larger class room. A setup of the stations will be made for this meeting for the newer members to see. New Business: Father Charles presented his request for the Knights to participate in a procession route to be finalized before June 23rd after the 8.00 am Mass of the Body and Blood (Feast of Corpus Christi). There will be a breakfast to follow. More information to come. A motion to send monies of $300.00 the disaster victims of the hurricanes and recent fires. Motion by John and a second by Tom motion passed. G/K Deporter led the closing prayer. Respectfully Submitted Moose Maranda Council Recorder