Knights of Columbus #`12576
July 15, 2020
Meeting Notes 

 Deputy G/K Zawada called the meeting to order at 6.00. 

Deputy G/K Zawada led the opening prayer and pledge. 

Moose read the minutes from May’s (Google Phone) meeting. Motion to approve by Jerry and second by Preston motion carried. 

F/S Brent reported that we 97 members 66 associate and 31 insurance. All due bills were forwarded to Paul. Second dues notice is being sent out. Motion to approve by John and second by Larry motion carried. The council is looking for two more insurance members for the Star Council Award. 

Treasurer Report was handed out and presented by Larry. There is three checks outstanding and pending. Motion to approve by John and second by Tom motion carried. 

G/K DePorter called for any current officer who did not want to continue his position for the upcoming year? Dick Meyer stated that he would like to step aside as Warden. G/K DePorter open the floor to fill the Warden position in which Tom DePorter said he would assume the position as Warden for this coming year. George entertained the motion that with all positions in place that by acclamation the slate of Officers be approved. A second by Dick motion carried. George also mentioned that the opportunities that the on-line worked out wonderful and thanked G/K Deporter for his help.  

G/K DePorter will be holding the swearing in of the Officers at the Parish on July 26th at NOON.  

G/K Deporter will be contacting Father Joe (Brother Knight) to fill the Chaplin Position. Discussion on a gift for Father Charles for his service to our council and a motion by Tom and a second by Larry to send $250.00 to Father Charles. After discussion Tom motioned and George second that we send $100.00 to Blake Matson for his continuing ministry. 

G/K Deporter reported that all events are being looked at due to the COVID-19. The two events that are being considered are to Tootsie Roll Drive (Dick and Larry) and the Columbus Day Mass at 8.00 on October 11th (Bernie). 

The $100.00 Scholarship monies for Alleman and Jordan students will be reviewed and sent to students attending this year. 

The kitchen renovation was discussed. Bud inquired about the plans, design and cost? Larry stated at the last meeting they are waiting on those issues. Preston would like to know if and where to check to see about the gift from his aunt that was ear-marked for this project? 

The 4th Degree Exemplification will be held in Peoria on November 14th. 

 Bud and George will represent our parish from the 4th Degree Honor Guard that has been called upon by Msgr Merdian for the visit from the Bishop.   

A motion to adjourn at 7.00 pm by Jerry and a second by Dick motion carried. 

 Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda
Council Recorder