Knights of Columbus #12576
March 15, 2017
Meeting Notes

GK Randazzo called the meeting to order at 7.00 pm.

Father Charles led the opening Prayer. GK Randazzo led the Pledge.

Minutes of previous meeting were approved motion by Bob S. and a second by Tom motion passed.

We welcomed our new member Juan Guerrero.

Financial Secretary Fowler submitted his resignation letter effective March 15, 2017. Brent Highfelt will resume this position.

Collectively they presented the report of the audit being done and we have 86 members 55 being associate members and 31 insurance members.

Treasurer Putman reported that he had a couple of outstanding payments to be made. Motion to approve by Bob B and a second by Dick motion passed.

Meeting Items:

Prime Rib Dinner was a huge success and there was some discussing on how the scholarship awards would be handled.

Ladies will need help setting up and tearing down for the rummage sale. Contact Sue Griffiths for information (309) 912-6678.

Palm Sunday Breakfast hours were discussed and 7.30 to noon will be considered and hoping that some parishioners’ from 10.30 mass will come before or after mass? This will be monitored closely. Tom K and John L will lead this event and Bob B and Dick will make calls for help.

April reverse collection will see bags handed out on April 22-23 and collection will be April 29-30 and Knights will take to food pantry around 11.00 am May 1st.

Knight’s banquet will be May 7th at the Welcome Inn. We will gather from 5.00 to 6.00 and dinner orders will begin at 6.00. Each Knight will take care of his and spouses bill.

Carnations will be ordered for Mothers day weekend May 13-14.

An idea for something for Fathers Day June 18th was discussed.

Parish picnic will be July 9th at Camden Park. This year will be a joint venture with St Ambrose Milan and St Pats Andalusia.

Officers Election names for next year will be offered in May with installation in June and taking charge on July 1st.

First Degree Team Sashes had no update.

River Bandits event, game date and tickets will be coming. John L will let us know.

Spray Park date will coming. Brent will keep us updated on this event.

Mission Ladies have challenged the Knight to purchase a new roaster. GK Larry will grab one when he see a deal.

Father Freehill will present a Lecture and Series on March 26th with St Ambrose and Augustana students.

4th Degree will join St Patrick’s Day Parade. Kick off is in Rock Island at 11.30 am. Next meeting will be held in Geneseo at Sweet Peas. Ordering is at 5.30 and meeting at 6.30 pm. Those going and wish to car pool at 5.00 from the Parish Center parking lot.

The Guy Randazzo Golf outing will be at Highland Springs Course on June 11th with a shot gun start at 1.00 pm. cost of this event is $75.00 the same as last year. Bridges Catering will be our food vendor.

Father Charles led the closing prayer.

Respectfully Submitted