St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus regular meeting 3-21-2018

G/K DePorter called the meeting to order and Bro Jerry Fowler led the opening prayer and pledge.

The February minutes were presented and the following corrections were made. The Golf Outing is not full yet you can still contact Larry Randazzo to sign up.  There was a name correction should have been Dom DiIulio not “Tom” DiIulio motion to approve was made by Dick and second by John motion carried.

Paul presented the treasurers report we currently have 13,722.85 and a CD of $3000.00 and a motion for approval by John and a second by Preston motion carried.

Financial Secretary Brent Highfill reported we currently have 92 members.  The Retention Committee has had only one person take advantage of our forgiving past dues. The First Degree sashes are yet to be ordered we are getting 8 regular and 2 extra-large.  Motion to approve was made by Larry and second by John motion carried.

Committee reports:

Membership Committee reported that they yet need to meet about the St. Pat’s membership drive.  We welcomed the newest members. There is a Major degree on April 14th at Christ the King. Contact G/K DePorter if you are interested.  A few of the members are trying to get a group that would go to the other meetings for a visit.

Palm Sunday breakfast, quite a few members are setup to work and a number of members raised their hands when asked to help setup on Saturday before the breakfast.  Jerry is going to contact Moose to see if he is still getting the Juice and Milk. G/K DePorter asked to have 3 $25 Gift Cards for winners of some contest at the breakfast, motion to approve was made by Larry and second by John motion carried.

Taco Supper was a success, discussion was made about what to donate and motion to donate $960.00 was made by John and second by Larry motion carried.

The DiIulio family gave us a grant of $3000.00 and asked that it would be used to promote Seminarians in our area.  We currently have placed it in a CD till we figure out how best to use it. Ideas were raised and will be discussed.

We hope to still have a Trivia Night, it was discussed that it might be best to try for Jan-Feb or Oct.

Rummage sale is April 12-14.  9 members raised their hands when asked to help setup on Apr 8th 12:30.  Tear-down is the Saturday Apr 14th

Scholarship Committee is gearing up to meet and it was discussed that we might include St. Pat’s in the scholarship this year.  There will be 2 scholarships $500.00 each one for Jordan and one for Alleman. It was discussed how to include public schools in the mix.

G/K DePorter will contact his sister about getting carnations for mother’s day.  We will be including St Pat’s this year.

Jerry presented a bill for our website it hosts the Knight’s as well as the churches website.  Motion to pay the $180.92 was made by Dick and second by Preston motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted
Jerry Fowler for Moose Maranda