Knights of Columbus
March 3, 2021
Meeting Notes

Prior to the meeting we had a wonderful turnout for the time to visit and enjoy our spaghetti dinner.

G/K DePorter call the meeting to order at 6.30pm.

Father Baker led the opening prayer and pledge.

G/K DePorter reminded everyone to check their email and update it if needed.

Minutes of the previous meeting were sent out along with the agenda prior to the meeting and a motion by Bud and a second by Bob to approve as presented.

The treasurer’s report was presented by Paul. Nothing changed from last month with nothing coming in and whatever bills is going out. Motion to approve by Larry and second by Dick motion carried.

F/S report was presented by Brent and only one outstanding bill is for the coats which has not been paid. There is nothing owed to Supreme at this time, the audit is complete and was signed by the Trustees. Brent will be filing the tax report. We are currently at 100 members. Motion to approve by Preston and a second by Tom motion carried.

The 4th Degree comments were presented by Bud. The 1st thru 3rd Degree is being looked at with more information to follow from the G/K.

Father Baker shared his comments on the Knights for Pro-Life and the Columbian Article on Abortion. Father mentioned the Norman Choice Center and Julie Bush and the help they provide.

G/K DePorter thanked Dick and everyone who participated in the Tootsie Roll Drive. The thank you correspondence from SPEC and Blackhawk Special Ed was noted. The Pregnancy Resources was also mentioned.

Father Baker reported as requested from last meeting on the seminarian donation. After further discussion a motion by George and a second by Steve to send the $500.00 donation to the Carton Fund and let them handle it out of the diocese.

Reviewing the events only has the Golf Outing moving forward at this time. Web site is Guy Randazzo All inside events are a wait-see with the kitchen remodel that’s going on?

A request for the Knights to cover the cost for the replacement of the three (3) new doors at $8,843.00. Moose mentioned that this upgrade include Fryers so we could have more events that would help reimburse the cost. After discussion a motion to pay for this item on the remodel with two payments. The motion by John and a second by Denny to proceed with two (2) payments motion carried.

The discussion on Father Dennis’s truck is left until the time he makes the request from the Parish at October masses.

G/K DePorter mentioned the Teri/Lynn Nuts and will move forward looking into it further. Motion by Tom and a second by Randy motion carried. There was discussion on dinners for carry out but no kitchen.

Preston shared the information gathered about the second date to sponsor a meal at the RI Township Hall for the needy and homeless. Of the two dates available April 26, 2021 was selected. Preston will contact Neva Cook on the decision. Motion by Larry and a second by Jay motion carried.

Motion to adjourn by Tom and a second by Denny motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.

Father Baker led the closing prayer.

Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda
Council Recorder

Just a reminder that a nominating committee will be accepting nominations for Officers in May. So, bring your intensions with you next month.