Knights of Columbus
May 4, 2022
St. Ambrose Council

Grand Knight, Dan De Porter, called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m.

Dr. Bud Phillis moved to except the Recorders’ report for April and Bob seconded.

Treasurers’ report was given by Paul Putnam. There is $15907.17 in the account.   The pancake breakfast made $859.41. Larry moved and Tom seconded to except the treasure’s report.

Financial Secretary, Brent Highfill, reported 64 associates and 26 insurance members. He is filling out Columbian Awards application. Dave Yordy explained what Columbian award is. Dave gave a report on the state convention. We received an award for membership.

Father Baker and Boyd Harrison received the Fourth Degree. Larry Randazzo and Dave Yordy will look into First through Third Degree.

Several people volunteered to help pass out the roses on Mothers’ Day.

Priest Appreciation Dinner was discussed but no action was taken.

We will vote for officers on June 1st. Installation will be on July 6th. GK Dan gave a proposed slate of officers.

GK: Dan De Porter, DGK: Steve De Porter, FS: Brent Highfill, Chancellor Jay Finn, Recorder: Boyd Harrison, Treasurer: Pete Cone, Advocate: Jerry Fowler, Inside Guard: Larry Randazzo, Outside Guard: Denny Van Daele, Warden: Tom De Porter, Trustees: Bernie Happ, Bob Strupp, and Jim Bohnsack. Larry moved to except the slate and Tom seconded it.

Next meeting will be June 1st, 5:45p.m. Spaghetti and 6:30p.m. meeting.

June 18th will be a golf outing and we need volunteers at 6:30p.m. to tear down.

We have 6 new veterans on our plaque 163 total, Bob reported.

Men’s Crosio on June 11th. Contact Jeff De Porter.

Father reported on First Communion and Holy Hour for Vocations. He is also Chaplin at Alleman.

GK Dan reminded us to prey the Rosary in May.

Brent moved to pay Jim P’s dues. Jeff seconded.

Father closed with a prayer.