Knights of Columbus                                                                                                                                                                                                           St. Ambrose Council 12576

Date – May 3, 2023 – minutes of meeting                                                                                                                                           Grand Knight Dan Deporter called the meeting to order at 7:00.                                                                                             The meeting started with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

* Before the official meeting started, Dave Yordy provided a presentation on the mission he is involved with in Cambodia.  He and his wife are leaving on July 9 to work on a 5-year project called Opening Doors Cambodia (ODC).  Cambodia is an impoverished country where most people survive by farming (mainly rice).  The main religion is Buddhism.  It is the site of the famous Angkor Wat ruins.  Opening Doors Cambodia (ODC) provides values driven English education to underprivileged children and youth in rural areas of Cambodia.  The 4 skills targeted by ODC include: reading, writing, speaking and comprehension.  There is more information on the ODC website including how to donate money or expertise.


Minutes of previous meeting – approved by Tom, 2nd by Larry.

Treasurers’ report (Pete) – present funds – $21,990.26.   Approved by Boyd, 2nd by Larry.

Financial Secretary’s report (Brent) – Absent

Meeting discussion items –

Larry (the team leader for degrees) reported 8 went through the induction ceremony in April and became knights (3 from our council and 5 from Genesco).

There was a discussion over landscaping the Divine Mercy area in the parking lot.

Roses will be passed out for Mother’s Day at all masses at St. Ambrose and St. Patrick’s.  Volunteers will be needed.

Possible Cursillo planned in October.

Plant sweet corn?

If you are interested in the golf outing (June 17), hurry and contact Larry because spots are running out quickly.

Cambodia discussion was tabled to the next meeting. Motion by George and 2nd by Larry.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Larry and 2nd by George.

Closing prayer.                                                                                                                              Recorder – Boyd Harrison