Knights of Columbus
St. Ambrose Council 12576
Date – Oct. 4, 2023

Grand Knight Steve Deporter called the meeting to order at 6:30.

The meeting started with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Previous meeting minutes (Boyd) – approved by Jerry and Tom.

Treasurers’ report (Pete) – $35,421.67 approved by Larry and Preston

Financial Secretary’s report (Brent) – absent

Meeting discussion items –

Larry – reported new members have been inducted.

Tom Verschoor –Raffle ticket sales are starting.  The drawing date is Nov.5. There will be 3 prizes.  The first prize will be a ¼ of a beef and a freezer.  The second prize will be a ¼ of a beef.  The third prize will be a wine basket.  The tickets would be $10 each with plans to sell 400 tickets.  The beef would be processed in November at Durant.

Dick reported on Tootsie roll sales. Steve and Jeff will oversee the candy and nut sales in November.

Donuts and coffee at Ambrose on Oct. 29 are being handled by Larry and Dave.

Cursillo will be held for men on Oct. 19 -22 and women will be held Nov. 16 – 19.  20 candidates.

Dr. Phillis has suggested having 3 K of C meetings at St. Patrick’s during the year.  The first date at St; Patrick’s will be Nov.8.  Men from the parish will be invited to the 6:30 meeting.

Dick and Preston made a motion to donate $500 to the Walk to Emmaus at the last meeting.  A check for $500 was presented to Jeff DePorter.

K of C will help prepare breakfast at the Armory for Guard Unit FRG.

Larry discussed giving $100 to each child going to Jordan and Alleman for tuition.  Motion by Randy and 2nd by Dave.

Larry mentioned we need to start the process of arranging for Coats for Kids, 2 cases of coats each for boys and girls.

Dr. Phillis, Preston, and George discussed replacing the American and Vatican Flags continuously.

Need volunteers to help at the Rummage sale.

Larry is going to set up an event schedule.  He also suggested paying $500 for the ad at the back of the bulletin.

Jerry suggested planning a celebration for the 25th year/anniversary of the K of C council next year.

Father C. reminded everyone of the Oct. 28 meeting.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Larry and 2nd by Tom.

The group then switched the statues at the front of the St. Ambrose church.

Closing prayer.

Recorder – Boyd Harrison