Knights of Columbus
St. Ambrose Council 12576
Date – Sept/ 7, 2022

Grand Knight (Dan DePorter) called the meeting to order at 6:30. Meeting started with a prayer
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of previous meeting – approved by Dick, 2 nd by Jeff.
Treasurers’ report. – present funds – $27,372.34- approved by Geo., 2 nd by John
Business items:
Brent reported 64 assoc. members, 26 insured. Audit is done.
New business –
Jeff reported on Walk to Emmaus. Goes between 2 states and involves 2 Bishops. It starts at Cathedral
in Davenport and ends in St. Mary’s in Moline on Sat., Oct.8.
Steve reported that the schedule for saying the Rosary is completely covered.
Denny made a motion to donate $50 to match the BCML ladies’ donation to get a brick for Father
Dan presented an event schedule proposal.
Bob gave a report on buying a Tabor. Denny moved to table this until Father Joe can do some research.
2 nd by Tom.
Ken moved to donate $1000 for transportation for Jordan’s retreat at St. Pats. 2 nd by Jim.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Geo. and 2 nd by Tom.
Closing prayer.

Recorder – Boyd Harrison
*Thanks to Denny for filling in for me.