St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus regular meeting 9-19-2018

G/K Dan called the meeting to order at 7.00

G/K Dan led the opening prayer and pledge

Minutes from August was read and motion by Preston and a second by Dick motion approved.

Treasurer report having Paul Excused there was no report.

F/Secretary Brent reported 92 members, Supreme has 0 balance and nothing outstanding. Sashes have been received. The Service Program and Personnel Report was complete and sent.

Insurance Jeff just reminded those in attendance to not forget the story and message of the Knights.

Mass for the Knights will be October 7th at the 8.00 am. Bernie will be notifying families. Knights will be covering all positions for this Mass.

Recruitment for new members will be at both St Pat’s and St Ambrose after all masses.

Tootsie Roll Drive went well and all the numbers are not in yet. The remainder Tootsie Rolls will be for sale after masses and the usual purchase from the Township.

Masses for Bib Bigford will be purchased. Motion by John and a second by Denny motion approved.

A donation will be given to the Legion of Mary. Motion by Dick and a second by Bernie motion approved.

Council #12576 will be hosting a Major Degree on October 28, 2018. Medallions and supplies for the degrees will be inventoried and ordered for this event.

The rummage sale will need assistance setting up and tearing down.

The proposed calendar of events was discussed and completed. Subject as always to adjustment when needed If you would like to see a listing of the proposed events Click Here.

Meeting Adjourned at 8.15 pm

Respectfully Submitted
Moose Maranda
Council Recorder